My STEM Units

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sleeping Giants

The giants lie sleeping. What wonders do they hold? SnapDRAGONS? SNEEZEWORT? I have heard stories of magical bean stalks, fantasy pumpkins, naughty cottontails, and very hungry caterpillars. I have heard legends of three sisters (corn, beans, and squash). Shh! I hear the giants awakening.

This year, as part of our STEM initiative, we are starting a STREAM Garden. STREAM stands for:


Wondering what types of plants and flowers would go into a STREAM garden? View the Prezi below for great ideas.

Today, over 50 students, parents, teachers, and community members came out to build the STREAM Garden at Cradleboard Elementary.  Lowe's awarded us the $5,000 to build the garden.  As if that wasn't enough, they sent three employees down today to help.  Perkins Cinders also sent two workers.  Toddlers used plastic rakes and sand buckets to transport topsoil.  Grandmas watched over the kids painting rocks for the garden.  Speaking with one grandma, she told me how she watched the men building the beds.  She said, "You know?  We're going to do that at home."  This grandma then went on to gather other women in attendance to help build the remainder of the raised beds.  The women spoke excitedly about making beds in the community this summer. And that's what it's all about.  Awakening the sleeping giants.  

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