Source: http://blog.memetales.com/ |
Summer slide is the phenomenon where students lose concepts learned the prior year. Experts have estimated that teachers spend over one month reteaching those concepts when school does resume. Summer slide has also been targeted as a
major cause of achievement gap in students. (click on the infographic to the right)
Believe it or not, school will be out in a few short weeks. Parents and teachers need to have a plan to help prevent summer slide.
Click the images below to be directed to GREAT ideas for parents and teachers to minimize loss and maybe even promote growth!
An article from RIF: According to the authors of a report from the National Summer Learning Association: "A conservative estimate of lost instructional time is approximately two months or roughly 22 percent of the school year.... It's common for teachers to spend at least a month re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer. That month of re-teaching eliminates a month that could have been spent on teaching new information and skills."
This list is not meant to be exhaustive. A quick search on Pinterest will yield hundreds of boards and pins dedicated to preventing summer slide. Adventures in LiteracyLand has a great list of reading programs for readers. Examples include RAZ Kids and Snap. Keep the conversation going and post your favorite tips for preventing the summer slide in the comments below.
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