My STEM Units

Thursday, May 21, 2015

STEM Summer Reading: Engineering

Ask any teacher what they are reading this summer, and they are bound to give you a list.  Don't get me wrong.  Teachers read during the school year too.  They read Island of the Blue Dolphins for the tenth time or The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the hundredth time.  They still pause for predictions for what will happen to the caterpillar.  They still cry when Rontu dies (P.S. I have a great STEM unit on novels such as Island of the Blue Dolphins).

But summer....summer is for reading "how to" books.  "How to" implement Math Rotation Stations (Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller), "how to" use picture books to teach Science (Picture Perfect Science Lessons by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan), and "how to" design your pathway to the Common Core (Pathways to the Common Core by Lucy Calkins et al.).

Recently, I spoke with some STEM experts about what they are reading for summer.  Below is a list of what we are reading about engineering. "Wait. What exactly is engineering?" you ask. Hint: it's a lot more than building bridges and skyscrapers. Watch this video to see how engineers solve problems:
Integrating Engineering and Science in Your Classroom edited by Eric Brunsell

"This practical compilation of models and examples of science and engineering in action is a great resource to help teachers build engineering into their everyday STEM teaching and learning. It begins with a practical guide and support for understanding the engineering design process and what that will look like in your classroom, to very specific content area activities for life, earth, and physical science. There’s even support to help teachers begin engineering opportunities outside the regular classroom day." Jen Guiterrez, K-12 STEM Specialist, Arizona Department of Education
Design, Invent, Create published by Start Engineering

This colorful book introduces children to the world of engineering. Each page is devoted to a different discipline of engineering. Even though the book is intended to be a children's book, I learned so much from reading the poetry on each page. My favorite was the fun fact on the edges of each page. Apparently others like the book too, as it was named an National Science Teachers Association Recommends Book. If you go to the website, you can get classroom ideas. Click here to order from the website.

Here is an example of one page:

So, what problems do you want to solve?

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